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August 12, 2013


Mark J

OK the new web site looks nice but the Classes on Demand has a lot to be desired compared to the old site. There needs to be a way to browse the classes without knowing what to search for. Being able to sort them by year, topic, presenter, etc. was much easier to find a class.

Jennifer Hoskens

Where can I find information from classes prior to AU 2011?


New site looks real nice and well laid out. Looking forward to AU.



The old course catalog was working fine! Now I have to know EXACTLY what I want. I don't even have search filter!

I used to just BROWSE for stuff, mainly by product and year. I really hate this new "search-centric" approach, not to even mention how primitive it is. Please bring those filter and a BROWSE option back. Thanks.

Bob Bernstein

Sandy, I used to be able to find classes from older versions, which now seem to be gone. One class in particular I'd like to view again, it was called something like "3dsmax mental ray rendering, an efficient workflow". Not sure the year, and the title is probably close but not exact. Is there any way I can regain access to this? None of the current rendering classes cover the material quite like that class did.

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